/* VERBORGENE SEITE!!! https://stwst48x9.stwst.at/hidden_check VERBORGENE SEITE!!! https://stwst48x9.stwst.at/hidden */ STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN ran in Sept 2023: [[dokumentation|documentation]] \\ **STWST48X9 COLD HEAVEN** **48 Hours of Immersive Trash** **Start:** Fri, 8 Sept, 18:00 **End:** Sun, 10 Sept, 18:00 ---- **More Infos from Mid of August 2023.** ---- {{:plakat_stwst48x9_web.jpg?1200nolink|}} \\ ---- ===== ABOUT COLD HEAVEN ===== **With STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN,** Stadtwerkstatt is hosting its 9th edition of the annual 48-hour nonstop showcase extravaganza STWST48 in September 2023: **Up in the sky float the cold systems** of surveillance capitalism and there also lives the Anti-God with his Large Language models. We mean, in the last summer before the total cloud: **In the end was the word!** **Down on earth we sink in trash,** dive into the wasteland of the delimited real pollution. We believe: **These are the immersive experiences of the future.** **In between, the new coexistence of man and machine** manifests itself, in hypernature, speculation, in search of real feelings, actual entropy and devastating algorithms. We say: **Human adapts to the tool!** **In the midst of this social reality,** Stadtwerkstatt positions itself between cool criticism and cold resistance, between minus art and meltdown, between immersion in trash - **and imagination as material.** **STWST nevertheless refuses to work off** these themes and instead, and in addition, hosts a continuous **Bloodproof of Life.** **Also in 2023, STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN means** forty-eight hours of genre-free art and critical production in the house's anti-white cube. **STWST presents** around 20 artistic positions in exhibitions, performances, discourse, and two days of Nightline - asking the question no one else dares to ask: **AI, tell me what you want me to want!** \\ ===== ABOUT STWST48 ===== **[[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/stwst48|STWST48]] is a STWST's 48 hours showcase-extravaganza in September** - held in cooperation with Ars Electronica. STWST48 invites international artists and also shows new art contexts developed in and around Stadtwerkstatt. With COLD HEAVEN Stadtwerkstatt is doing it‘s 9th edition of the annual 48-hours-nonstop-showcase-extravaganza. \\ ===== ABOUT STWST===== **[[https://stwst.at/|Stadtwerkstatt]] is an artist-run space and has been an art, club and autonomous structure since 1979.** In the context of new media and media art, the place has a history of meaningful projects since the 1980s, and did also since then cooperate with Ars Electronica. Nowadays Stadtwerkstatt is active in the areas of New Art Contexts, runs STWST Club and the Cafe Strom, STWST media channels such as the print Versorgerin and other art and discourse formats. In an ongoing practice of redefining art contexts, STWST is about positions that work between art, media, critique, music, underground and the intermingled spheres of STWST. All [[https://stwst.at/|STWST]]. All current [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects|New Contexts projects]]. All previous [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/history/start| projects since 1979]]. \\ ===== COOPS ===== **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN** in Cooperation with [[http://www.aec.at/festival|ARS ELECTRONICA]]. **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN - Project BLOODPROOF OF LIFE** in cooperation with [[https://core.servus.at/|servus.at]] **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN - Project BLOODPROOF OF LIFE** with support by the [[https://www.roteskreuz.at/oberoesterreich/blut|Austrian RED CROSS - Blood Centre Linz]]. **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN - Projects non-zero exit und local(host) linz meetup** in cooperation with the net culture initiative [[https://core.servus.at/|servus.at]]. **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN - Project PLUS MINUS SCHUTZLEITER** in cooperation with /Flur/4/, a temporary platform for art in rural areas, Crinitz/Niederlausitz/Brandenburg, Instagram @flur_4 **Film Screening UKI** in Cooperation with [[https://www.moviemento.at/|Moviemento Cinema Linz]] and [[https://moviemento.de/|Moviemento Cinema Berlin]]. **Project Latency Legacy** in cooperation with the radio [[http://p-node.org|p-node]]. **Project Contigent Snapshot** in cooperation with the radios: FRO Linz, Radio Z Nurnberg, Res Vienna, Worm Rotterdam, Usmaradio San Marino, Raheem Milan, Radio Citta Aperta Roma, Colaboradio Berlin, Merda Malata Godiasco, Fango Pistoia, Threads London, CASo Buenos Aires, Wavefarm/XGXC New York, Diffusion Sydney, Beloved Chicago, Resonance Extra London, Sound art Radio Totnes, Campus Radio St. Pölten, Alhara Bethlehem. \\ ===== MEDIA PARTNERS ===== **STWST48x9 is accompanied by numerous texts** in the newspaper [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/nummer/139|Versorgerin #139]] **STWST48x9 is accompanied by numerous radio contributions** on Radio FRO - on air from 8. Sept. 2023 \\ ===== STWST CORE CREW ===== **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN. 48 Hours of Immersive Trash:** //Concept and Curation:// Tanja Brandmayr, Jan-Nahuel Jenny. Franz Xaver. //Curation Nightline://Jörg Parnreiter, //Curation Latency Legacy:// Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver. //Curation Contingent Snapshot:// Eugenia Seriakov, Francesco Zedde. //Curation Beaver Lab:// Franziska Thurner, Fabian Holzinger. //Curation non-zero exit and local host meetup: // Davide Bevilacqua für servus.at. //Editors Versorgerin:// Claus Harringer, Tanja Brandmayr. //Editing STWST48 auf Radio FRO and press work:// Claus Harringer. //Social Media:// Paul Krackowizer. //Grafics:// Jan-Nahuel Jenny. //Additional Grafics Website:// Michael Aschauer. //Additional Grafics Bloodproof of Life:// Christoph Ginzinger. //Documentation Photo:// Astrid Benzer //Documentation Video:// Claudia Dworschak, Ina Fischer, Franziska Thurner. //Screen Printing:// Josepha Krüger. //STWST CORE TEAM:// Tanja Brandmayr, Jan-Nahuel Jenny, Franz Xaver, Jörg Parnreiter, Claus Harringer, Paul Krackowizer, taro, Lukas Claushues, Christoph Ginzinger, Elke Singer, Claire Uwamahoro. //More Team:// Bastian Lehner, Matthias Pitscher, Micha Gerersdorfer, Rebecca Strasser-Kirchweger and others. //Kitchen:// Martin Gamsjäger, Eva Grün and others tba. \\ ===== STWST48x8 ALL ARTISTS ===== **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN - All Artists and Producers:** Michael Aschauer, Daniela Gutmann, Tina Kult/T(n)C, Agnes Varnai/T(n)C, S()fia Braga, Claudia Reiche, Matthias Pitscher, Shu Lea Cheang, Stephan Roiss, Florian Hackl, Mario Stadler, Christoph Hehn, Manuel Mitterhuber, Vo Ezn, Stefan Schmitzer, Anton Tkachuk, Joseph Theodor Böhm, Maximilian Reiner, Martin Samuel Simpson, Winfried Ritsch, Zlata Zhidkova, Artem Sivashenko, Emanuel Križić, Claus Harringer, Jan-Nahuel Jenny, taro, Bastian Lehner, Franz XAVER, Tanja Brandmayr, πNode collective, Reni Hofmüller, Daniela Silvestrin, Elias Neururer, Elisabeth Zimmermann, Daniel Haun, Andreas Aigner, Siegfried Gierlinger, Gitti Vasicek, Angelika Daphne Katzinger, Mika Egal, Sarah Mo Praschak, sugar pa!, Olivia Schütz, Valarie Serbest, Fina Esslinger, Gabi Kepplinger, Davide Bevilacqua, Aileen Derieg, Dasha Ilina, Aimilia Liontou. //Contingent Snapshot:// Eugenia Seriakov, Gabriela Gordillo, Nicola Privato, Didi Kern, Lukas Löcker, Mika Bankomat, Udasi, RSMA, Mia Zabelka, Wolfgang Dorninger, Simon Mara, Roberta Lazo Valenzuela, Jena Jang, RGBastler, Francesco Zedde, Cate Hops, Simon Goodwin, Susie Kahlich, Bianca Ludewig, Kirsche von Bubach, BYDL, OCP, Rabon Aibo, Phallucipher, E-09, Sokushinbutsu Project and more tba. //BEAVER LAB und Beaver Lab Vortragende//: Fabian Holzinger, Franziska Thurner, Patrick Derieg, Renate Holzinger, Kurt Kotrschal, Gudrun Fuss, Gundi Habenicht, Leopold Kanzler, Christoph Wiesmayr, Johanna Kuffner. //NO TRASH NIGHTLINE// Soundartists/Bands: Vomitatrix, Der verlorene Faden, Rojin Sharif, Mai Mai Mai, Ujif_notfound, Okabre, Puce Mary, breuer/kern/audiobomber, Shapednoise. //STROM DJ LINE//: Peter Nachtnebel, DJini Godez \\ Funding by: {{:linz_cd_logo_linz_kultur_schutzzone.jpg?280nolink|}} {{:ooeku_130227_kulturlandooe_logo_rz_positiv.jpg?200nolink|}} {{:bmkoes_logo.jpg?380nolink|}} Support by: {{:logo_strom.jpg?100nolink|}} **Extra-Support by:** {{:oerk_logo_1z_slogan_unten_ooe.jpg?200|}} =====IMPRINT===== **STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN. 48 Hours of Immersive Trash** is a project by Stadtwerkstatt. Stadtwerkstatt, Kirchengasse 4, A-4040 Linz/Urfahr Contact: office@stwst.at http://stwst.at/, http://www.stadtwerkstatt.com/