---- **S()fia Braga** **Felt Cursed, Might Delete Later** ---- Speculative Narration STWST, 2. Floor Continuous /* {{:felt_cursed_0.jpg?1200|}} {{:felt_cursed_1_s_fia_braga.jpg?1200|}} {{:felt_cursed_s_fia_braga_2.jpg?1200nolink|}} */ {{:the_artificial_conjuring_circle_sofiabraga_1.jpg?1200nolink|}} **Felt Cursed, Might Delete Later** is an AI generated short movie that explores the machine gaze to create speculative visions from the Novacene, a new era of collaboration between humans and non-humans towards earthly survival and deceleration of the forthcoming extinction of organic life as we know it. New systems of post-scarcity based on enhancing human self-realisation, cybernetic ecologies, and many new possibilities are attainable, but at one condition: overcoming the anthropocentric vision, accepting the human condition as an evolutionary step towards a new world shaped for synthetic living forms. Within her narrations Braga appropriates vibes originating from internet subcultures, exploring tropes and speculations such as cursed images, backrooms, and meme culture. \\ ---- **S()fia Braga** is an Italian transmedia artist who lives and works between Vienna and Linz, conducting artistic research that combines digital and post-digital practices. Her work is focused on exploring new technologies to create speculative fabulations that delve into themes such as transhumanism, human and non-human collaboration and non-human agency. Moreover, S()fia's work investigates the concept of "Interveillance," shedding light on the hidden power dynamics enabled by centralised social media platforms' operational structures and their sociological implications. S()fia’s identity constantly changes and goes hand in hand with the narratives she creates: over the last years she has been an artist, a transhumanist entrepreneur, an AI auteur, a cyberstalker, a TikToker and has mutated several times into a monstrous creature. In 2022 she won the Bank Austria Studios Award and the Kunstförderpreise der Stadt Linz for the New Media Art category. Her works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica Festival (AT), Xie Zilong Photography Museum (CN), XII Video Vortex Conference (MT), WRO Media Art Biennale (PL), Deutsche Bank (IT), Schlossmuseum Linz (AT), Pinacoteca Albertina di Torino (IT) and more. https://sofiabraga.com/ \\ Photo credit: Indiara di Benedetto **DOCUMENTATION** {{gallery>:doku:teil1:doku_felt_cursed}}