---- **MICE** **Nebenwelt-3: DDAASS** ---- Spontaneous side world sound interventions Locally inbetween Spontaneous in time {{:simpson_trumpet_t1_process.jpg?1200nolink|}} **The DIY DDAASS, the Directional Affordable Ambisonics Surround Speaker,** is played by surrounding musicians and forms an auditory Nebenwelt. Controlled by the wireless LEMiot-BAT controller, the IEM mobile computer music ensemble MICE plays as virtual musicians of DDAASS, an autonomous, solar/battery powered moving speaker. Within the Ambient music of the Nebenwelt, MICE plays a virtual synth and performances pieces such as //X-Formants//, //Vacation Teleport//, //fiels// and also produce acoustic und musical feedbacks. **Nebenwelten/DDAASS is a manifestation** of the latest development of the third generation of Nebenwelten Speakers. **At STWST48x9 COLD HEAVEN MICE will perform spontaneously**. Both in terms of location and time, the ensemble will appear inbetween and literally perform as a sound by-world, so to speak. \\ ---- **MICE are:** Anton Tkachuk Joseph Theodor Böhm Martin Samuel Simpson Maximilian Reiner Zlata Zhidkova Winfried Ritsch **DOCUMENTATION** {{gallery>:doku:teil1:doku_nebenwelten}}