---- **Ujif_notfound** ---- STWST Main Venue 8. Sept, Friday night, 03:00 - **Screening** TER.RAIN and 9. Sept, Saturday, 22:00 - **Stream** from Kiev {{:ujif_notfound-by-anastasiia-mantach-1024x683.jpg?1200nolink|}} **Ujif_notfound is the link** from STWST's Cold Heaven to the cruel reality of war. **Ujif_notfound alias Georgy Potopalskiy** lives and works in Kiev, the circumstances of the war make a trip to Linz impossible. **On Friday at 3 in the morning his video and sound work TER.RAIN** will be screened in STWST main venue. **On Saturday Ujif_notfound will perform via stream** and live performance at Stadtwerkstatt. **Ujif_notfound is a media project** by new media artist, electronic musician and composer Georgy Potopalsky. Founder of the alternative art space Kontrapunkt. Part of the label KVITNU. Co-founder of the BLCK BOX Media Art School and the PHOTINUS Studio. As a media artist he participated in numerous Ukrainian and international projects and festivals. **Georgy Potopalsky** lives and works in Kiev. He combines the practice of a media artist with that of a musician. His installations and live performances usually mix software with visual and audio components. \\ https://un2114.com/ https://soundcloud.com/ujif_notfound https://www.instagram.com/ujif_notfound/ https://www.facebook.com/UN.2114.Ujif.notfound/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lSD9h2XDkY https://www.youtube.com/@Ujif_notfoundUN