STWST and Guests
Deep Sound Opera

This year's STWST48x8 night program is a DEEP SOUND OPERA.
Lib, Stage, 2 Sound Nights

STWST Main Venue and Workshop
Friday, 9. Sept + Saturday, 10. Sept Night


INTRO - State of the Art
THE LIB - Libretto-Installation
THE STAGE - Stage Design
THE ACTS - Soundacts / Friday and Saturday Night
THE DEEP REST - We will see


In resistance to a world whose linguistic, political and rational contents have been used up, critical producers perform a Deep Sound Opera during STWST48x8 DEEP and over two nights. It is made up of different acts that are connected/unconnected to form a larger whole. Authors, Artists und Sound artists work with language, text and discourse in the broadest sense. Performers and autonomous initiatives act from the experience and practice of DIY, DIWO and DIT. With the different materialities of art, language and sound, the aim is TRANSFORMATION: With self-referential spirals of knowledge, with linguistic meta-levels, with content beyond text, with transferred meaning and rhythm, with lowered frequencies of knowledge, with breath that has passed through the body, with transformed experience, with emotion and sensuality, with the SPACE BEHIND THE EYES and with the FORCE BETWEEN THINKING AND FEELING, the rational approaches of text, reflection, the free form of text cascades as well as the irrationality of sound surfaces are confronted. In the depths there are no words left. This is where we mine, this is where meaning lies, this is where the cables of language lie in chaos and mess. Connected or disconnected, an open sound format emerges to which one can perhaps still DANCE.


In the STWST workshop, at the entrance to the main venue and, so to speak, before it goes up to the Deep Sound Opera nights, an old sound system and several visual devices rush between No Discourse and content-sensory Deepdive. Here both the visual mess and a sound system are fed with texts, here the text of the world is deformed and transformed, here the lib(retto) to the Deep Sound Opera is already destroyed at the entrance. More to The Lib.


The Kreishell installation, an analogue drum machine in the STWST main venue, becomes an act in its own right at some at Saturday Night, first Act, but is also a room-filling stage for the other acts on Deep Sound Opera nights. Kreishell remains an abstraction of a minimised stage area on Friday night, charging up with the first acts on Friday to be subsequently set up for Saturday night, going into operation itself in a DIY, DIT and DIWO circus, and expanding with more acts throughout the night. More to Kreishell.


Here are the Soundacts – 9. Sept, FRIDAY NIGHT:
Act 1 / 00:00 h - disturbance, de_ configuration - Ybalferran
Act 2 / 01:30 h - Catábasis - Daphne X & Diana Bogucka
Act 3 / 03:00 h - Siren Aria - Abrupt
Act 4 / 04:30 h - Aus dem Dunkeln -
Here are the Soundacts – 10. Sept, SATURDAY NIGHT:
Act 5 / 23:00 h - Kreishell - Apephonie Productions
Act 6 / 00:30 h - when youre awake all night - thats who you are - egozero
Act 7 / 02:00 h - DEEP()MESS - open.ended dis.connected - Marinos Koutsomichalis, Jenny Pickett, Julien Ottavi
Act 8 / 03:30 h - droehn - akasha
Act 9 / 05:00 h - Aus dem Dunkeln -

Hinweis Deep Green Cafe Strom:
Sonic Connection DJ-Line
Fr, 22:00 - 04:00: Push Female DJ Network
Sa, 22:00 - 04:00: DJ Ford Escort + Jens Vetter + Abu Gabi


It is planned that on Sunday the Deep Rest of the previous nights will become an exhibition. Possibly sound and art artefacts from the previous nights will be on display. Possibly the Kreishell machine will be available for public testing. Possibly the machine's home-brewed beer will be served to exhibition visitors. We will see what the Deep Rest will bring.

STWST - The Deep Sound Opera, soundacts curation: Felix Vierlinger, concept and artistic realization: Tanja Brandmayr, Jan Nahuel Jenny. KREISHELL is a production of Apephonie Productions. Furthermore 7 soundacts of the invited guests: See line-up and more info about the artists at the entries above.

The Deep Sound Opera format is a project of STWST. The Stadtwerkstatt / STWST has existed since 1979 and is the first autonomous art and culture house in Linz. In the context of new media and media art, the place has a history of significant projects since the 1980s. Current departments of STWST: New Art Contexts, STWST Media, STWST Club, Cafe Strom. In a constant practice of redefining art contexts, STWST is about positions that form between art, discourse, media, criticism, music, underground and the mixed spheres of the Stadtwerkstatt.


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