11 Gibling Artists
11 Gibling Editions

Community Currency Exhibition
Cafe Strom / Continuously during Cafe Strom opening hours, 14:00 - 04:00

Art as currency. Currency as art. Representing the entire currency ecosystem of Gibling, all Gibling editions from 2012 to 2022 will be exhibited at Cafe Strom.
The Gibling started in 2012 and is a community currency, similar to a regional currency. The Gibling consists of 1s, 2s, and 5s bills that have real exchange value. It can be exchanged in currency exchange offices and spent in about 60 partner businesses in Linz, Vienna and Graz. The community currency is issued by Punkaustria, the currency institute of STWST. Punkaustria has set the following exchange rate: 1 Gibling = 1 Euro.
From the very beginning, the Gibling itself has been an art project. Every year, the banknotes are designed by a new artist. The 1, 2 and 5 Gibling bills designed by artists have already become collectors' items. Since 2013, however, a 500 Gibling bill has also been issued as currency art: Each year, an art edition can be purchased with a series of a 1, 2, 5 bill and a 500 Gibling. The gibling editions can be collected as currency art.
The Gibling has also been building up his own art collection since 2015. And is continuously expanding this system between art, value, money and speculation. There has been the cryptocurrency Give-Coin for several years. With the current 11th Gibling by Franz XAVER, there is also a system of Gibling as NFP: Since June 15, 2022, the so called NFPs, Non-Fungible-Pictures, can be activated as currency with each bill of the community currency.
With this 11th NFP edition and 10 years after the founding of the Gibling, the community currency is on the verge of a currency reform. On the occasion of this, your Deep Pockets can be filled during STWST48x8 during the action Gibling as NFP / Activating & Exchange NFPs. And representing the entire critical currency ecosystem of Punkaustria and STWST, all Gibling editions to date will be on display at Cafe Strom.

ALL 11 GIBLING EDITIONS on display at Cafe Strom:
Gibling No 01, 2012, designed by Oona Valarie
Edition No 02, 2013, designed by Leo Schatzl
Edition No 03, 2014, designed by Deborah Sengl
Edition No 04, 2015, designed by Michael Aschauer
Edition No 05, 2016, designed by Judith Fegerl
Edition No 06, 2017, designed by Julius Deutschbauer
Edition No 07, 2018, designed by Eva Grün
Edition No 08, 2019, designed by Peter Weibel
Edition No 09, 2020, designed by OrtnerSchinko
Edition No 10, 2021, designed by Shu Lea Cheang
Edition No 11, 2022, designed by Franz XAVER

More on the current Gibling by Franz XAVER: Gibling as NFP, including Exchange & Activating NFPs.

The Gibling is an art and currency project of the STWST. More information about the Gibling, all Punknoten as well as a list of all partners and exchange offices can be found here: Punkaustria, Gibling at STWST. Contact: office@punkaustria.at, office@stwst.at


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