T(n)C - The (new) Constellation
Cool Machines


Cool Machines is composed of several works by the artist duo T(n)C.

In the four-part video work Retraining Laziness, humans and machines compete with each other. In an effort to constantly improve themselves in order to stay relevant and benefit the society they belong to, they find themselves in a mode of self-exploitation. They work because they can, rather than because they must. But due to an anomaly, a robot leaves the assembly lines to explore an idle and self-determined existence. The short film series follows a conversation between a human worker and a non-functional robot as they discuss unhealthy production conditions and their own relationship to work and time.

The image series Days (light box) highlights the ambivalent relationship society has developed with picturesque places on the planet. The exaggerated images reflect both a fascination with striking landscapes and the impact this obsession has had on them.

Under the Walnut Tree features two melted monobloc chairs, considered the most produced chairs in the world and widely used in gardens as well as on beaches.

T(n)C - The (new) Constellation is a female artist duo founded in 2017 by Tina Kult and Agnes Varnai. Experimentally they use a wide range of media such as 3D, virtual reality, installation, sculpture, film and fashion. Tina Kult and Agnes Varnai work both as a collective and as solo artists. They also both pursue projects in collaboration with other art and culture professionals.

Tina Kult (*1991, Kazakhstan) studied digital art with Ruth Schnell at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and experimental film and media art at the Berlin University of the Arts. In numerous group and solo exhibitions, her works have already been shown in Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, Mexico City and Paris, among others.

Agnes Varnai (*1990, Hungary) studied fashion at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and runs the label “Ordained Hardware” alongside her artistic activities. She has received several awards and prizes, including the Creatives for Vienna Award from the Vienna Business Agency, the RONDO-Vöslauer Fashion Award and the Swarovski Award.

© Bild: T(n)C