Franz XAVER, Sylvia Eckermann, Gerald Nestler and Guests
minus delta t' - and the Red Thread of Media Art

Experiment, Critique and Conversation
Ship Eleonore / Sun, 10:00 - 14:00
Meeting point for the boat shuttle: STWST entrance area

minus delta t' - An experimental setup in electromagnetic space - time dilation by hydrogen radiation from other galaxies and the role of observer status in the information society. Franz XAVER

The basic idea of the radio experiment on Eleonore is that the simultaneously arriving hydrogen signals of the universe testify to events that can originate from different times. This is how the significance of an observation position is derived. Seen from the position of art, it can be assumed that this physical insight can also be applied to information systems or number systems. Everything becomes dependent on the position in a relative frame of reference. Art stands for us in an imaginary number system and information outside Shannon's information theory and has the task of giving our information society new perspectives Details: Donautics and a Flyer .

The Red Thread of Media Art - Experiment, critique and conversation on Sunday, 10.00 - 14.00 at lunch with Sylvia Eckermann, Gerald Nestler, Franz XAVER. Guests: Karel Dudesek, Markus Kabele, Volkmar Klien, Elisabeth Zimmermann a.o.

How to get to the ship Eleonore:
Boat shuttle: STWST-Eleonore-STWST
Meeting point: STWST entrance area or DeckDock Donaulände in front of the STWST.
Departure of the boat shuttle: 10.00 and 10.30 a.m.
Return: 14.00 and 14.30.
Registration under SMS-+43 676 61545930.
Fare: 6 Giblings - Free with valid NFP (More to Gibling as NFP)

The experiment will be held at the Eleonore in the Harbor of Desire in Continuation to Radiotopia. RADIOTOPIA - A Rehearsal of Spectrum Takeover took place in Hamburg on the MS Stubnitz from July 12 to 16, 2022. A short presentation and talk about this Radiotopia Summer Camp will also take place at the same time on the Eleonore.

Franz XAVER (AT) has studied at the Academy of Applied Art, department of “Visual Communication” founded by Peter Weibel. Subsequently he was teaching computer languages, audio-visual productions, electronics and electrical technics at the same Academy until 1992. At the Technical University of Graz he was lecturing at the department “Institut für Baukunst” “CommunicationTheory”. He was participating in numerous exhibitions in Austria and abroad, including Ars Electronica, Aperto Biennale di Venezia, Triennale Milano, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle Bonn in Germany. Director of Medienkunstlabor in Kunsthaus Graz 2003-2007. Since 2008 he works in Stadtwerkstatt Linz.


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