Tanja Brandmayr
Nik, the Sleeper

SF Exploitation / Performative Installation
1. Floor/ Continuous (except night hours from 01:00 โ€“ 08:00)

A fragmentary perceptual space and body that combines pulsed textual content, diffuse imagery, states of self-forgetfulness, alienating afterglow effects, reduced movement. A connected unconsiousness and observing postglow of mind-mining and self-fracking.

The sleeping body as an organ of thought, a connected consciousness as a network, a sleeping land beneath the waking state, the sleep of the many as an entity: Nik, the Sleeper is a performative installation, a spatial sci-fi exploitation story told in scraps of text. Nik deals with body, consciousness and technology. It engages in historical debris research on electricity, for example, and points to a techno-future as a potentially larger, connective unconscious network. Between algorithmic underground consciousness and self-fracking, however, the installation swallows almost all of its content. A fragmentary perceptual space emerges that combines pulsed textual content, diffuse imagery, states of creativity and self-forgetfulness, elements from regular sleep measurement, alienating afterglow effects, and elements of reduced movement economy.

An associated text on the project/artist appeared in Versorgerin 135:
Postglow Cinema - The Green Ray by Georg Wilbertz.

Tanja Brandmayr (AT) is artist and writer and has been working for many years and in different contexts between text, media, staging and art. Art and context research Quasikunst in cooperation with STWST. Also editor and author for art and culture magazines. Lives in Linz/Austria. More to Quasikunst.


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