Marinos Koutsomichalis

A Reductionist Speculative Infra-Instrument
1. Floor / Continuous (except night hours from 01:00 – 08:00)

A reductionist speculative infra-instrument. Sentience transmits a particular message in Morse code, transliterating poetry to embodied rhythm: to loud low-frequency pulses that make a performance space and any bodies within it physically resonate accordingly. It then functions as a text to physical energy transformer: converting poetry into bursts of physical vibrations so that the poem becomes rhythm that is physically felt through one’s body, as well as through space and one’s visceral sensation of it.

A text on this by Marinos Koutsomichalis has appeared in Versorgerin 135:
Fragments from an (Ir)Reality

Marinos Koutsomichalis is an artist, scholar, and creative technologist. He is broadly interested in the materiality of self-generative systems, (post-)digital objecthood, sound, image, data, electronic circuitry, perception, selfhood, landscapes/environments, and the media/ technologies we rely upon to mediate, probe, interact, or otherwise engage with the former.


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