Gregor Göttfert , Florian Kofler

Interactive / contemplative installation
Basement / Continuous (except night hours from 01:00 – 08:00)

Sphere is an interactive installation in which a sparkling sphere seems to float in the darkness of space. Optical sensors slowly circle around the object, scanning and surveilling their surroundings like radar and projecting it, as a fading representation of space and time, onto the phosphorescing surface of the sphere. In an apparitional way, the viewer is represented on the round object. Simultaneously, the changing dimensionality of Sphere is visible : through optical distortion and compression, its surface shows not only spatial dimensions but also the factor of time – and invites the visitors to think about existence on the surface of a sphere.

Sphere is featured on the cover of Versorgerin 135.

Florian Kofler (IT), *1986 in Meran: While they find a home in diverse genres of art, the recurring aspects in Kofler’s works are a clear stylistic language and curiosity to see what might be hidden at first sight.
Gregor Göttfert (AT), *1984 in Vöcklabruck: Göttfert's technical background is evident in media- and lightinstallations as well as in audiovisual performances, in which he likes to approach the character of the materials used artistically by playfully exploring their errors and boundaries.


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