Claudia Reiche 
Over—Exercises in Death

Photo and Video Installation 

To take the coldness, resistance and liveliness of the dead as a measure needs practice. For example, to think along a word: over … That means past like an opportunity, gone like a dream. In hard times: Someone or something is beyond recovery or repair. Over is over is over. So it is not. Because it bypasses being and does not hit ontologically. By the way, what about over in the unconscious? There, Sigmund Freud argues, we are anyway convinced of our own immortality. 

The installation confronts three different subjects: 
Military data visualization, of targets and hits, for example in an observer camera of an air defense system.
Infrared photos of the parental home in the state of evacuation. Non-visible flashes shooting into darknesses, groping in childhood’s un/forgotten reserves. 
The backs of old family photos as they rested with other remnants in tied up boxes: Intense glances of long-dead relatives who experienced wars and did not survive, hidden. 

Claudia Reiche, Dr. phil, is an artist, media scientist and curator. She works on cultures of the digital and their epistemological, aesthetic and political effects and is involved in projects, such as thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. Bremen She has been teaching in the field of media theory and art for many years, currently at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. Numerous works on mediality in fields of psychoanalysis, film, image cultures.